Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Mississippi at Sunset in the Quad Cities

Dave and Connie took a dinner and dancing cruise on the Mississippi River last evening on Moline's Cellebration Belle riverboat. Here is a cell phone camera photo Dave took of Connie taken just after sunset standing at the front of the boat (where the breeze kept the bugs away.)

Here is a cell phone picture Connie took of Dave.

And here is a picture Connie took of the sunset over the river.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Visiting Mom in the Nursing Home 7/13/2008

Dave, Connie and Dave's Dad visited Dave's Mom in the Nursing Home and sat in on the group singing therapy.

Singing "The Old Rugged Cross"

Singing "God Bless America"

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Riding the "Channel Cat"

Abrahm (Nora's finance) Nora, Connie and Hugh ride the water taxi. Click picture to see it full sized.

Visiting Mom in the Nursing Home

Click the pictures to see them full sized.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Dave sings 'God Bless America' with his parents

When Dave and his dad stopped by the nursing home to visit Dave's mom she was with all the other residents of the Alzheimers Unit in the Dining Room being led in song. Dave and his Dad joined in singing 'God Bless America.'

Saturday, June 07, 2008

In the parking lot after the ceremony

It was a lot cooler out in the parking lot after the graduation ceremony.

Nora shows us her diploma.

Nora's finance Abrahm tries on her cap.

Nora's friend Magali joins Nora and Ahrahm.

Nora graduates from Moline High School

These are all high resolution photographs. Click on each picture to see it full size.

First the graduates filed into the auditorium.

The choir sang and there were some speeches.

A few more speeches.

Then it was Nora's row's turn to file up to receive their diplomas. Tassels on the right.

Nora (from the back) receiving her diploma. We should receive a photo of this taken by a professional photographer with a much better angle.

Filing back to their seats after receiving their diploma - tassels now on the left.

Nora with her diploma in hand.

See a newspaper story (with photographs by a professional) about Nora's graduation here. It includes a photo of them all throwing their hats in the air. (I missed that moment while fiddling with my camera.)

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Nora Barrett in Graduation Gown

Nora models her graduation gown at home the day before her high school graduation.

Nora Barrett in Graduation Gown

Nora models hergrauation gown at home, the day before her high school graduation.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

More Union Station

UnionStation3, originally uploaded by dvdbarrett.

Here is another picture Connie took at Union Station in St. Louis (near where Dave thinks he left his camera.)

Union Station, St. Louis

UnionStation2, originally uploaded by dvdbarrett.

The old St. Louis railroad station - Union Station - has been converted into a shopping, dining and entertainment mall including a large Hyatt hotel. Connie took a pictures of Dave with interesting things in the background. (Dave also took picturesof Connie but later lost his camera, including those pictures.)

Gateway Arch, St. Louis

HotelRoomView, originally uploaded by dvdbarrett.

Connie and Dave just visited St. Louis. This picture was taken from our hotel room window. Obviously we downtown, just a couple of blocks from the arch.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Field Trip to the National Maritime Historic Park in San Francisco

I took this photo on our recent trip to San Francisco but had not posted it to this blog yet, not thinking it was one of the best I had taken.

I just received an email from Emma Williams, Managing Editor, Schmap Guides that this photo has been short-listed for inclusion in the second edition of the Schmap California Guide, to be published at the end of May 2008.
She said:
"While we offer no payment for publication, many photographers are pleased to submit their photos, as Schmap Guides give their work recognition and wide exposure, and are free of charge to readers. Photos are published at a maximum width of 150 pixels, are clearly attributed, and link to high-resolution originals at Flickr."

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Tim, Sue, Dave and Connie in Chinatown

Tim, Sue, Dave and Connie visit Chinatown in San Francisco, Saturday, Feb. 9, 2008

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Balanced rocks in Sausalito

Balanced rocks in Sausalito, originally uploaded by dvdbarrett.

Saturday was a beautiful day in Sausalito. As Tim, Sue, Connie and Dave saw the sights they came across this fellow who was balancing rocks on the beach in Sausalito. People in the crowd who saw him do it assured us that they were just balanced and no epoxy or tricks were used.

Tim, Sue and Connie in Sausalito

Tim, Sue and Connie in Sausalito with the Bay Bridge and San Francisco in the background.

Bridgeway Street in Sausalito

Bridgeway Street in Sausalito, originally uploaded by dvdbarrett.

Looking down Bridgeway Street in Sausalito with San Francisco in the distance.

Irish Yoga

Irish Yoga, originally uploaded by dvdbarrett.

Tim, Sue, Connie and Dave all thought this T-Shirt was funny when they discovered it in a store in Sausalito

Tim and Sue Visit Connie and Dave's Hotel Room

During Connie and Dave's trip to San Francisco Tim and Sue visit them in their hotel room

Friday, February 08, 2008

Chinatown, San Francisco, California

Dave and Connie visited Chinatown.

Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco, CA

Connie and Dave visited Fisherman's Wharf in San Franciso on Feb. 8, 2008. It must not have been a good day for fishing -- the boats weren't out.

Connie in San Francisco, with the Balclutha and the Eureka

Connie in San Francisco, with the 1886 square-rigged ship Balclutha and the steam ferryboat Eureka behind her.

Tug Telco, National Maritime Museum, San Franciso

Dave and Connie visited the National Maritime Museum on the Hyde Street Wharf, next to Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco and saw this retired tug boat.


Dec. 2, 2009 I just received the following email referencing this picture:

I came across your picture of Tug Telco on the web. I was one of the pilots from 1973 to 1978. Our primary function was to set anchors for the Pacific Telephone cable barge. We had approximately 186 miles of submarine cable throughout the bay. I spent 4 years in the Navy as, ironically, an airdale, but I knew port and starboard and could tie a squareknot. The captain of the barge was a man named Ralph Budke who pretty much ran it from 1946 to 1984. Ralph was a survivor of the USS Arizona in Pearl Harbor. He was a Chief Boatswain's Mate when he was discharged. His seamanship was exemplary and unquestionable. The tug was not very shipshape when I started driving it. A coworker named Mike Murphy spent about 6 months bringing the wood and brass into shape. It also had the privilege of being hauled out every 2 years to remove barnacles. It was powered by a 3208 Cat diesel and could go about 16 knots which would scare the hell out of you. We had splice points at each of the bridges and islands. When we cleaned it up we painted the stack with the blue and gold bell logo which would really confuse people, trying to figure out what a phone company was doing with a tug. When training, we would go to Angel Island or Tiberon and have lunch. Pretty good duty, huh? By 1984 fiber optics had replace all the undersea crossings and the need for a barge and tug was over. Pacific Telesis sold the barge to Pacific Salvage and the tug was donated to the Maritime Museum. Over the years I have spoken to the rangers about what the tug did and they asked me to be a docent. I live near Lake Tahoe and it would be hard for me to be there very often... Sorry for rambling on. Paul Tomasello

Connie and Dave Vist San Francisco, Connie on a Cable Car in San Francisco

Connie and Dave were visiting San Francisco from Feb 7 - 11, 2008, a perk of Dave's job. Here Connie was riding a cable car.