Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Stone House Bed and Breakfast in Chester, Illinois

Dan, Pat and Connie relaxing on the front porch of the Stone House Bed & Breakfast in Chester, Illinois and chatting with the owner, Sandra Starr.

Spinach Can Collectables

Spinach Can Colletables, originally uploaded by dvdbarrett.

The Spinch Can Collectables store in downtown Chester, Illinois, home of E.C. Segar the creator of Popeye.

Statue of Popeye in Chester, Illinois

This statue of Popeye is just a quarter mile or so from Dave's parents house in Chester, Illinois. Chester is the home of E.C. Segar, the creator of Popeye. Standing in front of the statue are Hugh Barrett (Dave's father), Pat Barrett (Dave's sister-in-law), Bertha Barrett (Dave's mother), Dan Barrett (Dave's brother) and Connie.

Dave, Bertha and Hugh in front of the Wimpie statue.

This is mural next to the park in downtown Chester, Illinois where the famous statue of Wimpie can be found.

And here are Connie, Bertha and Hugh Barrett standing in front of that statue of Wimpie.

Dave, Bertha and Hugh in front of the Wimpie statue.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Dining at the Japanese Steak House

At the Japanese Steak House- Vince Thomas, Tim Moran, Sue Moran, Nora Barrett, Connie Barrett, Marg Thomas.

Pot Luck Get Together at the Thomas'

June5_2007 002A, originally uploaded by dvdbarrett.

John Moran, Kim Moran, Marg Thomas, Jim Moran, Rita Coyne, Tim Moran

Pot Luck Get Together at the Thomas'

June5_2007 005, originally uploaded by dvdbarrett.

Connie Barrett, Sue Moran, Nora Barrett

Pot Luck Get Together at the Thomas'

June5_2007 012, originally uploaded by dvdbarrett.

Ken Pnto, Betty Moran, Tutu Pinto, Tim's friend Bob, John Moran, Tim Moran, Jim Moran, Pat Logan

June5_2007 016A

June5_2007 016A, originally uploaded by dvdbarrett.

Jesse Carapia (3 months old) and Sue Moran

Pot Luck Get Together

Pot Luck Get Together, originally uploaded by dvdbarrett.

Pot Luck Dinner at the Thomas' . Pat Logan, Tuto Pinto, Betty Moran, Jim Moran, Kim Moran, John Moran

Monday, June 04, 2007

Tim and Sue at the Thomas' House in Rock Island

June4_2007 001, originally uploaded by dvdbarrett.

Tim and Sue arrived today in Rock Island. Here we are enjoying some Harris pizza.

Tim and Sue at the Thomas' House in Rock Island

June4_2007 002, originally uploaded by dvdbarrett.

Tim and Sue arrived today in Rock Island. Here we are enjoying some Harris pizza.