Friday, December 29, 2006

You ain't going nowhere!

The Byrds deliver the weather report.

Click to view.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Eve at the Thomas'

Ana Lopez, Talin Carapia, Nora Barrett, Abraham Carapia preparing some of the food at the Barrett's before going over to the Thomas'.
(Click on the pictures to see them full size.)

Dan and Pat Barrett do a magic trick for an audience including Tuto Pinto, Talin, Abraham, Connie Barrett and Ken Pinto.

Vince Thomas, Tutu, Marg Thomas, Ken, Rachel Thomas and Connie

Tutu, Ken, Vince and Rachel

Tulin, Abraham, Nora and Ana gather around the Christmas tree

Ana, Tulin, Nora and Abraham. (Yes, Ana is expecting a baby March 15, 2007)

Friday, November 24, 2006

Thanksgiving Weekend 2006 Trip

On Thanksgiving 2006 Connie, Dave, Nora and Nora's boyfriend Abraham took a trip.

On Thursday morning they drove down to Chester, Illinois. This is a historic plaque talking about Chester. (Click on the picture to enlarge it.)

Dave's parents Bertha and Hugh live in Chester.

Outside of Chester they stopped to see this historic covered bridge.

On Friday they drove to Louisville, KY to visit a family that lived with them in Moline for a while.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

11/14/2006 - Nora's 17th Birthday

For Nora's 17th Birthday we took her to a Japanesse Steak House restaurant.
We also invited her boyfriend Abron, a few of her friends, Nichole and Magalie, Abron's relatives Neftali and Anna, and Aunt Marg and Uncle Vince.

Abron and Nora

Dad, Aunt Marg and Uncle Vince

Nora, Nichole and Magalie

Neftali and Anna

Monday, October 30, 2006

Nora and friends as footballers

Magalie, Juantetta, Nora and Nichole

Monday, September 25, 2006

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Night out with Marg and Vince

Connie and Dave went out to eat at an Indian restaurant in Moline with Marg and Vince Thomas

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Connie and Omar Claros walking the dog. Omar, his mother and his sister will be staying with us for a while until they find another place to live.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Wedding Photos

On Saturday July 29, 2006 Sue Jones and Tim Moran were married in rural Oakdale, CA.

(click on photos to see them full size.)