Saturday, March 31, 2007

Vince Thomas Given Human Rights Award by Church Women United of Illinois Quad Cities

Many friends and relatives of Vince Thomas attended the Celebration of Human Rights brunch put on by the Church Women United of the Illinois Quad Cities at the Mark of the Quad Cities in Moline on the morning of March 31, 2007 where Vince was given a Human Rights Award.

Rachel and Connie talk to Vince before the start of the ceremony.

Rachel talks to Aunt Betty and Uncle John

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Jesse Carapia 2 days old

Jesse Josue Carapia under the sunlamp to treat a little jaundice.

Jesse's cousin Abraham Carapia and Elinor Barrett feed Jesse some formula as a suppliment to mother's breast milk

Friday, March 23, 2007

Celebrating Connie's Birthday with Marg and Vince

New United States Citizen

Jesse Josue Carapia, born March 22, 2007 in Moline, Illinois

Connie and Elinor Barrett with Jesse

Jesse's father Neftanli (Talin) Carapia and Jesse's mother Ana Lopez

Jesse's aunt Daniela Lopez with Jesse