This is a picture from that I came across in one of the blogs I read. The person who uploaded the picture put a tag of 'San Francisco' on it so presumably this beach is in San Francisco. has this neat feature where you can pinpoint exactly where an uploaded picture was taken, down to a few feet, using Google maps. It takes about a minute to do. I do it on all the pictures I upload. Unfortunately, the person who uploaded this picture did not do that.
I would like to know where this beach is, mostly because Connie and I are coming to San Francisco at the beginning February (work related perk) and we might want to visit such a pretty place. I suspect that some people from San Francisco read this blog so I have high hopes that someone who knows will post a comment or send me an email telling me where it is.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
San Francisco Beach
Friday, November 23, 2007
Aunt Betty's 90th Birthday Party
At Betty's 90th Birthday Party in Rock Island John and Betty sit at a table with Lorraine Fuller and Barb's mother.
At the party were all 4 of John and Betty's surviving children, 15 of 16 grandchildren (including all but one of Jim's step-children (Kim's children from her first marriage) and all 5 of the great-grandchildren. People had come from California, Texas, Virginia, Missouri, Iowa and Illinois.
Aunt Betty's 90th Birthday Party
At Betty's 90th Birthday Party in Rock Island Betty gives a speech thanking everyone while Uncle John looks on.
Earlier all her children and their spouses and almost all her grandchildren and their spouses gave speeches giving thanks for all she had done for them. Daughter Mary (the school teacher) organized the speeches, having weeks ago asked everyone to email their speeches to her and she had 3 x 5 index cards for everyone with their speeches printed on them which she handed to them just before they spoke in case they had forgotten what they had planned to say.
John and Betty's sons Tom and John
At Betty's 90th Birthday Party in Rock Island John and Betty's sons Tom and John.
In Tom's speech he referred to his brother John as the philosopher, his brother Jim as the poet and his sister Mary as the only child.
Aunt Betty's 90th Birthday Party
At Betty's 90th Birthday Party in Rock Island John and Betty's daughter Mary, daughter-in-law Kim and son Jim.
Daughter-in-law Kim gave a very emotional speech in which she thanked Betty for having welcomed her so whole-heartedly into the family and completely accepting her (Kim's) children (from Kim's first marriage) as her (Betty's) grandchildren.
Najib and Saul
Saul Terrance came to the Quad Cities from Chicago for a Thanksgiving weekend visit. Connie, Dave and Najib met Vince, Marg and Terry at a restaurant.
Saul and Dave
Saul Terrance came to the Quad Cities from Chicago for a Thanksgiving weekend visit. Connie, Dave and Najib met Vince, Marg and Terry at a restaurant.
Vince, Najib and Saul
Saul Terrance came to the Quad Cities from Chicago for a Thanksgiving weekend visit. Connie, Dave and Najib met Vince, Marg and Terry at a restaurant.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Nora's 18th Birthday Party -- Magalie and Najib
Magalie and Najib at Nora's 18th Birthday party at the Olive Garden restaurant in Davenport, Iowa. This picture is historic because it is the first time Najib has smiled for the camera since he entered high school. We are going to make a midwesterner out of him yet.
Nora's 18th Birthday Party -- Nora and Abrahn
Nora and Abrahn at Nora's 18th Birthday party at the Olive Garden restaurant in Davenport, Iowa.
Nora's 18th Birthday Party -- Connie and Dave
Connie and Dave at Nora's 18th Birthday Party at the Olive Garden restaurant in Davenport, IA
Friday, November 16, 2007
Popeye Statue in Chester, Illinois
This statue also is in Chester, Illinois. It is, of course, Olive Oyl, Sweet Pea and the Jeep.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Jake, Estevan, Najib and Elwood hanging out downtown Rock Island, IL
Jake, Estevan, Najib and Elwood hanging out downtown Rock Island, IL, originally uploaded by dvdbarrett.
Jake Blues, Estevan Mendez, Najib Lozano-Suarez and Elwood Blues hanging out in The District, downtown Rock Island, IL one evening.
the blues brothers downtown Rock Island, Illinois
Everyone knows that Jake and Elwood Blues were born in Rock Island, Illinois. People may not know that they have come back to Rock island as adults.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Najib and Connie
Here is a picture of Najib Lozano-Suarez and Connie at an outdoor restaurant along the Rock River in the city of Rock Island, Illinois.
Najib is staying with Connie and Dave again. He and his mother have been in Savannah, Ga for the last 6 years or so. There seems to be some trouble in the Savannah schools between the Hispanics and the African-Americans and Najib, because of his long-standing friendship with some of the black students, was caught in the middle. As a result Najib asked his mother if he could do his senior year at Moline High School. Najib will be staying with Connie and Dave until his mother moves to the Quad Cities in a few months.
Najib finally got his citizenship papers a little while ago and after coming to Moline to register and attend the first week of school flew back to Atlanta Thrusday for his citizenship ceremony Friday morning and then flew back to Moline.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Dave and Connie visit Dan and Pat in Rockford
On Saturday, June 30, 2007 Dave and Connie visited Dan and Pat in their home in Rockford to sort through letters they had taken from Dan and Dave's parents house in Chester a few weeks previously.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
The Stone House Bed and Breakfast in Chester, Illinois
Dan, Pat and Connie relaxing on the front porch of the Stone House Bed & Breakfast in Chester, Illinois and chatting with the owner, Sandra Starr.
Spinach Can Collectables
The Spinch Can Collectables store in downtown Chester, Illinois, home of E.C. Segar the creator of Popeye.
Statue of Popeye in Chester, Illinois
This statue of Popeye is just a quarter mile or so from Dave's parents house in Chester, Illinois. Chester is the home of E.C. Segar, the creator of Popeye. Standing in front of the statue are Hugh Barrett (Dave's father), Pat Barrett (Dave's sister-in-law), Bertha Barrett (Dave's mother), Dan Barrett (Dave's brother) and Connie.
Dave, Bertha and Hugh in front of the Wimpie statue.
This is mural next to the park in downtown Chester, Illinois where the famous statue of Wimpie can be found.
And here are Connie, Bertha and Hugh Barrett standing in front of that statue of Wimpie.
Dave, Bertha and Hugh in front of the Wimpie statue.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Dining at the Japanese Steak House
At the Japanese Steak House- Vince Thomas, Tim Moran, Sue Moran, Nora Barrett, Connie Barrett, Marg Thomas.
Pot Luck Get Together at the Thomas'
John Moran, Kim Moran, Marg Thomas, Jim Moran, Rita Coyne, Tim Moran
Pot Luck Get Together at the Thomas'
Ken Pnto, Betty Moran, Tutu Pinto, Tim's friend Bob, John Moran, Tim Moran, Jim Moran, Pat Logan
Pot Luck Get Together
Pot Luck Dinner at the Thomas' . Pat Logan, Tuto Pinto, Betty Moran, Jim Moran, Kim Moran, John Moran
Monday, June 04, 2007
Tim and Sue at the Thomas' House in Rock Island
Tim and Sue arrived today in Rock Island. Here we are enjoying some Harris pizza.
Tim and Sue at the Thomas' House in Rock Island
Tim and Sue arrived today in Rock Island. Here we are enjoying some Harris pizza.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Conversation in the Parking Lot
On May 28, 2007 Dave and Connie went to Marg and Vince Thomas to Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church in Silvis, IL to attend a going away party for Father Jerry Logan who was being transferred to a church in Peoria. In the parking lot afterwards we got into a conversation with former Silvis mayor Joe Terronez, an old friend of Vince's.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
Tom Paxton and Pete Seeger sing "Rambling Boy" in 1965
Soccer Match Spectators
It was beautiful weather Sunday when Connie, Nora and Dave went with Abraham and Tolin to watch them play soccer. Abraham, after starting the last few games, had to sit this one out until the last 15 minutes when he went in as a substitution.
Tolin in the thick of the action.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Big Sur, California
Here is another photo I found in Flickr. This is a picture of McWay Falls in Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park, Big Sur, California. This state park is named after Julia Pfeiffer Burns, a well respected pioneer woman in the Big Sur country. The park stretches from the Big Sur coastline into nearby 3,000-foot ridges. It features redwood, tan oak, madrone, chaparral, and an 80-foot waterfall that drops from granite cliffs into the ocean from the Overlook Trail. A panoramic view of the ocean and miles of rugged coastline is available from the higher elevations along the trails east of Highway 1
Nice photo from flickr
Here is a photo I came across when browsing photos in flickr that I thought was nice.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Trunk Bay, St. John, US Virgin Islands
This is a picture I found in FlickR by searching for "St. John Virgin Islands" FlickR makes it easy to blog on any photo. Once you have told Flickr about your blog(s) you just have to click on the "Blog This" icon above any photo that catches your fancy among the millions that have been uploaded and labeled public, type in your text, click Post and Flickr takes care of the rest.
This is Trunk Bay, one of the most beautiful places in the world. There is an underwater nature trail in this bay. You just rent the snorkeling equipment on the beach and swim along the trail, following the underwater signs.
We have started planning a return visit to St. John next summer.